Essay writers review
Argumentative Essay Topics Robots
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Assignment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Task - Research Paper Example These individuals endeavor to acquire power upon the work arrangement and are best propelled by jobs that expect them to execute their administration abilities. The third need recognized by McClelland is the requirement for association. Individuals who have this as the most significant need are called as the n-aff individuals. These individuals look to make companions in the working environment. The more they mingle, the more they are spurred for work. Placing these individuals in jobs where they feel secluded causes them to lose inspiration for work. In spite of the fact that the conduct of laborers is a blend of every one of these requirements, yet one of the three administers an individual’s conduct. This hypothesis raises various new difficulties for the chiefs. Above all else, directors don’t have a target intends to affirm whether the three needs distinguished by the McClelland’s hypothesis are adequate to speak to all needs. A few people esteem employer st ability and pay more than force, alliance or accomplishment. Regardless of whether chiefs accept that the McClelland’s hypothesis is adequate to speak to all needs, they don’t have a vigorous way to distinguish the manner in which they are joined in various laborers. So as to keep them spurred, chiefs should be certain that a specific specialist esteems certain need more than others. At that point, there is no way to be certain that an individual’s need-mix would not modify with time. All things considered, people’s inclinations in life continue changing every now and then. A person who esteems power more than everything else at one point in time may begin to esteem accomplishment all the more later on. Our preferences and inclinations are molded by our every day educational encounters. Henceforth, there is a great deal of adaptability in out selection of necessities. Every one of these variables render it exceptionally hard for a supervisor to address th e individualistic needs of individuals and cause them to stay inspired for work. In this exploration, I will in general carry answers to the previously mentioned questions by investigating people’s needs in a specific work
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Sexuality in Mainstream Hindi Cinema Films as medi Essays - Culture
Sexuality in Mainstream Hindi Cinema Films as mode of Mass Communication Film correspondence might be considered as a social procedure whereby a transmitted sign is gotten basically through visual receptors (and, regularly, stable receptors) and is then treated as a message from which substance or importance is deduced. Film, as an emblematic structure, is a procedure of correspondence that utilizes film, the medium, with its innovation of optics, emulsions, and cameras, to create a bit of celluloid with a variable-thickness silver nitrate surface. It is man who makes film correspondence. This definition recommends that a bit of film, all by itself, is unimportant that importance exists just in an extraordinary social and psychological connection between a movie producer and a watcher. This relationship happens when a watcher decides to treat a film not as insignificant signs activating perceptual mindfulness and natural reactions, yet as message units that have been assembled delibe rately and from which significance might be induced. Film is maybe the standard of all works of art, generally well known and generally open, particularly in India, a nation which delivers generally number of movies in a year contrasted with some other nation (excepting Hollywood, maybe), and a nation where we have a huge base of film opening up to the world. Film, more than some other workmanship, has the ability to impact individuals. In this manner, it is critical to see how the nation, its kin and its goals are spoken to in the film delivered in the nation. Film as a mechanism of mass correspondence can be seen at various levels, filling various needs. It very well may be an artistic expression, an amusement, a social report or a social study. Film can be these and simultaneously be a way to something different - a mirror unto our lives, demonstrating us precisely how we work as society. Standard Vs Alternative Cinema Mainstream movies can best be characterized as business films that are made by significant amusement studios or organizations that are possessed by worldwide media combinations. As a result of better financing, these movies can bear the cost of progressively costly on-screen characters, wide discharges or constrained discharges, and are sold at mainstream retail locations. This has gotten known as the studio framework. Movies made by significant studios or organizations that are not claimed by a media combination however are disseminated by an organization possessed by a media aggregate are additionally viewed as standard and are frequently alluded to as standard free movies. As a standard medium (film needs cash to be delivered. In this manner, it must interest the standard crowd, who will pay in the cinematic world) film must, as a matter of first importance, bid to the standard crowd. The meaning of standard differs from society to society, from culture to culture. Extensively, it implies speaking to the common perspectives, qualities, and practices of a general public or gathering, for instance, standard ethical quality. A social develop, when applied to workmanship, standard may mean something that is accessible to the overall population, or something that has connections to corporate or business substances. Sexuality in Hindi standard movies alludes to the introduction in films of sexuality or sensuality and sex acts, including love scenes. Sensual scenes have been introduced in films since the quiet time of cinematography. Numerous entertainers and on-screen characters have uncovered at any rate portions of their bodies or dressed and carried on in manners considered explicitly provocative by contemporary norms sooner or later in their professions. A few movies containing intimate moments have been censured by strict gatherings or prohibited by Govt. or then again both. Sexuality in film has been introduced in numerous classifications of film; while in certain sorts sexuality is once in a while portrayed. Sex in movies can be recognized to an obscene film and furthermore from nakedness in film, bareness can be introduced in a sexualized setting, for instance bareness in naturalism would ordinarily be viewed as non-sexual. In India, media outlets is a significant piece of present day India and is expressive of Indian culture when all is said in done. Truly Indian movies have come up short on the straight to the point portrayal of sex; up to this point, in any event, kissing scenes were viewed as untouchable. Then again assault scenes or demonstrating rape were portrayed straightforwardly. At present some Indian states show delicate center sexual scenes and bareness in films, while
Friday, August 21, 2020
Poverty Essay Topics - How to Write Successful Essays on Important Topics, From Poverty
Poverty Essay Topics - How to Write Successful Essays on Important Topics, From PovertyThe fact that poor people can't write is an obstacle for many college students, but it doesn't have to be the case. As long as you know what your audience needs to see and learn, and how to give it to them, you're all set. Here are some excellent examples of poor people who wrote insightful essays on many topics, and they do not come from college students.Another excellent example is that of Lester Brown. He started out as a poor family, but rose above it. His essays are very well written, and when he's writing to make himself heard, his papers can be considered academic. They address many topics, and many topics relate to those topics in some way.Stephen Donaldson also rises above poverty, and he's done it throughout his life. His writings deal with health care, the environment, corporate America, and even politics. If you're able to get Donaldson to sit down and talk about his essays, you'll lear n that his thoughts are always refreshing and unique.For educational essay topics, we might mention Mary Kay Letourneau. She was raised poor, and her education was often considered inferior by her peers. However, she rose above that and wrote essays on subjects like the environment, economics, and even the Civil War, which is quite impressive.Of course, if you want to go to school as a poor person, you'll have to prove your poverty. You don't need to be in prison, but you'll need to demonstrate that you were poor enough to go to school. If you're trying to get into college, you should go to a community college or trade school. A poor person can get by with an entry-level job, and many other people can't, so there are many opportunities.One of the most common problems for a poor person, and many other types of people, is that they just aren't encouraged to try to communicate their ideas. College professors think that they will write like Dickens, or Shakespeare, or Melville, and that they should focus on the facts. However, if you're one of the most important minds in the country, you must stand out, and you must understand that you're in an educational setting. Your knowledge will outrank everyone else, and it will be helpful to your students.There are a lot of great resources for poor people. Some of them are on the Internet, but there are also lots of them in person. When you want to read about some of the best writers in the country, why not check out the archives at an institution like Harvard or Yale?The best places to go to get information on where to go to school's websites. These days, college students have more opportunities than ever before, and they will be learning from others who were poor and succeeded. Take advantage of that fact!
Monday, May 25, 2020
Thursday, May 14, 2020
United States Dependence On Foreign Energy Resources
United States Dependence on Foreign Energy Resources Introduction Everything you do requires energy. Even now to type this report also I require energy. So to do work energy we require energy. How this energy obtained? Water, Food, Shelter, and Clothing are few basic necessities of life. And to supply it to all the people of the country, we need transport .Obviously everything can’t be produced wherever you are. You need to buy it from wherever it is present or produced. Now transportation can be simply done you need some energy resources to do it .Where do we get this resources? There are 2 basic ways likely: 1. Produce your own resource. 2. Get it from somewhere who has it. We for the past decades United States has been the largest importer of energy resources throughout the world. We consume almost 7 billion barrels of fuel in various forms such as crude oil, petroleum, gasoline, biodiesel etc. And how much do we produce on own? Only 30%-40% of own consumption is produced by the United States and the rest is imported. In 2004 according to a report America’s imported as much as Japan, Germany, China and India combined. ïÆ' ¼ Dependency can be measured by evaluating the impacts it holds on four main constituents of the state: 1) Economy 2) Military 3) Foreign affairs 4) People But in case of oil or resources it revolves around all these spheres. Because of the dependence America has a huge disadvantage and has the potential to inflict greatShow MoreRelatedThe Long Term Effects Of Increasing Demand For Renewable Energy1690 Words  | 7 Pages Renewable Energy Wind, Water, Sun: Energy for the long run Prepared by Mashfik Shamir Midterm Proposal BUS 160W – An Introduction to Business Writing Queens College August 1, 2013 Professor Denise L. Miller Mashfik Shamir 8531 129 Street Richmond Hill, NY 11418 August 1, 2013 Prof. Denise Miller CUNY Queens College 65-30 Kissena Blvd. Flushing, NY 11367 Dear Prof. Miller: I am submitting this proposal to provide some information on the long term effects of increasing demand forRead MoreShale Gas Fracking As A Means Of Increasing Energy Security Essay724 Words  | 3 PagesShale to Energy: UK government investment in shale gas fracking as a means of increasing energy security Hypothesis: This project will support the view that UK government investment in shale gas fracking will decrease dependence on foreign energy imports. Research Aims: 1. To examine the role of the Middle East and Russia in the energy market and why in the last 5-10 years, the oil, coal and gas market has been deemed insecure. 2. To discuss the UK’s dependence on imports of foreign energy and whyRead MoreEssay on Unconditional Planetary Love1049 Words  | 5 Pagesdevelopment of more programs that focus on the non reliance of foreign oil. With everything going on in the world these days, it would be to America’s benefit to reduce the dependence on oil, especially from terrorist countries. Wind power, hydropower and biomass energy are just a few suggestions that can make a very positive change in America and the entire planet. Wind power can be used to generate electricity. â€Å"Wind turbines convert the kinetic energy in the wind into mechanical power. This mechanical powerRead MoreAddicted to Oil1208 Words  | 5 PagesThe United States uses nearly a quarter of the world’s oil. This would not be a problem if the U.S. had a large oil reserve but it only has 3% of the world’s reserves for 4% of the population (Pickens). This huge dependence on oil is costing us economically and also threatens our dreams. The United States needs to become more energy independent by using sources other than oil. Many alternative sources are available but renewable sources provide the brightest future. The United States’ increasingRead MoreThe Oil Spill Of 20101535 Words  | 7 Pagesthe act of turning to renewable energy sources. Burning fossil fuels also has a downside to the environment, polluting the air and water, and damaging the health of plants and animals. The BP Oil spill of 2010 is one example of how dangerous fossil fuels are when they are exposed to the environment. There is much controversy in the United States for renewable energy sources being funded, but the facts are on the rise. Having a cleaner and more efficient source of energy is important for both environmentalRead MoreGlobal Climate Change : Green Energy1107 Words  | 5 Pagesstem from combustion of fossil fuels derived from vehicles, factories and energy sources. 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America has already started to implement renewable sources of energy, such as, wind mills, dams, solar power and nuclear power. Eventually we will need to utilize these resources in areas that are dependent on fossil fuels. Fossil fuels have been proven to be damaging to our environment, economy and has made the United States vulnerable to dangerousRead MoreThe World Is An Ever Changing Place1229 Words  | 5 Pagesperpetual motion requires a constant source of energy. This energy comes in the form of oil and petroleum products, products that invigorate both our cars and America’s foreign and domestic policy. Oil is king. It rules everyday life, national policy, and the fates, even the lives, of millions of people. Oil is power in the form of black liquid in a barrel. However, America does not, at the moment, have the ability to control this valuable resource in a way that would enable the freedom of policy
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
My Spiritual Life Essay - 1145 Words
There’s a lot that I have to be thankful to God for this month, just for all the ways he’s been speaking to me through messages, ministry and recent events. I think that my relationship with God has taken on a new, different dimension since the prayer retreats and talks at the end of last month. God seems even more real and the way that I can pray and relate with him now seems more â€Å"relational and personal.†In general I’ve been able to identity as spiritual thirst this nagging feeling that I’ve always had before, of insecurity or of being unsettled. Before, I didn’t really understand or know what to do about this feeling so I would seek distraction or escape – or reassurance in the image of togetherness or competence that I kept of†¦show more content†¦A couple of good talks I had this past month came about through a lot battling my desire to take an easier way out and through deliberately praying for strength to â€Å"discharge the duties of ministry.†It turns out that the guys are responding positively overall, so I’m glad, but I also have this feeling of regret that I ha dn’t built deeper, more spiritual, relationship with these guys sooner because I could have, and maybe they’d be in a better place today if I did. On the same note, Lawrence’s suicide was a sobering wake-up call for me to build ministry relationships with much more deliberate direction and urgency. He lived in the floor below me senior year, but I still barely knew him. The problem I had then and still have now is that my heart is tight and my schedule is not open to people – it’s that attitude that I need to just take care of my responsibilities and anything that doesn’t seem directly connected to me is not my business. It’s hypocritical of me to claim to be a Christ-follower and minister, yet still allow this attitude to dictate my life. When Ajith Fernando talked about that quote â€Å"Obedience does not depend on the temperature of the heart,†I realized that this needs to be a point that I internalize and preach to myself again and as I try to deal with the many manifestations of my pain-avoidance, particularly in relationships with people. The mere fact that I don’t feel likeShow MoreRelatedMy Life, Home Life And Spiritual Life850 Words  | 4 Pagesnegatively affect New Scott’s achievement in his work life, home life and spiritual life. Barriers are created by being hurt or let down in some way and then swearing to not have it happen again. These barriers end up hindering me in doing what I need to do to succeed and be a new person that does not have those restrictions holding me back. In my college years I had to be very fiscally due to the fact that I could not count on anyone to help me out with my expenses. I am not bitter about this fact, quiteRead MoreMy Spiritual Journey through Life Essay867 Words  | 4 Pagesessential to illustrate a stable boat in my river of spirituality drawing. I believe our spiritual journey leads most of us on an array of river paths. Some rivers have clear skies with rocks along the way; other streams supply jagged lightning. My grandmother used to say to me, â€Å"Isaiah, your life is going to flash before your eyes.†I was close to my grandmother throughout my childhood. At the age of eight my teacher instructed me to write a story about my favorite person, I remember the projectRead MoreMy Parents Played A Major Part Of My Spiritual Life Map859 Words  | 4 PagesMy parents played a major part in my spiritual life map. Throughout my child hood my parents have always been in church. My parents are Baptist and they have devoted their lives to raisin their children in a Christian home. My parents are both Ushers in the church and they raised their children to go to church. We had to go to church as well as participate on programs in church. My mother would tell us God is all they have and they could depend on him. They shared many stories about how GodRead MoreThe, And, By Ernest Holmes895 Words  | 4 Pagesfall on deaf ears  our own. Having ears, we hear not. Having eyes, we see not. And having our hands full, we give not. It is a shame, because we could give, have and enjoy more. DIMINISHED EXPECTATIONS Holmes relates the responsiveness of Life to the idea that Nature abhors a vacuum. In an infinite universe, there cannot be an empty void, a place where God is not. All space, all vessels, all containers must be filled with something. So, when something is drawn out of one place, more is drawnRead MoreEssay on A Wagner Matinee1675 Words  | 7 Pagesfrom everything that makes you happy in life, in order for another to be happy should not be required of love. Relationships should be built on mutual respect and consideration for one another. Although compromise in a relationship is a necessary component for its success, denying the core of who you are is not. Speaking from experience, in the end, there will be nothing but resentment and identity-conflict. â€Å"A Wagner Matinee†by Willa Cather relates to my life in many ways as it exposes the resultsRead MoreEssay about Staircase to Destiny1021 Words  | 5 Pagesthe art exhibit is endeavouring to reflect my beliefs , values and attitudes that I strongly represent as an individual. As my life progresses on, my beliefs, values and attitudes has been uniformly modified and evolved by interacting with my family and my religion, Buddhism. In conclusion, my exhibit provides a thorough insight into the influences in my life that I have shaped my attitudes, values and beliefs. I felt that utilising the white base of my exhibit would be the most appropriate wayRead MoreSpirituality Through A Basic Spiritual Assessment And The Impact On My Life And Care For Future Patients927 Words  | 4 Pagesand transcends all aspects of being. Therefore, spirituality has a profound impact on everyone’s lives whether they realize it or not. This paper will explore personal aspects of Valerie’s spirituality through a basic spiritual assessment and the impact it has on her personal life and care for future patients. Strength, peace, and security are important aspects of spirituality that can bring deeper understanding to personal sources of spirituality. For Valerie, spirituality is strongly linked withRead MoreMy Vision At The Pittsburgh Leadership Foundation2417 Words  | 10 PagesMy Mission/Great Purpose is to empower and help women and youth discover and pursue their passions and dreams through creative, hands-on training, education, and workshops that integrate Life Purpose Coaching techniques with expressive healing arts. My Vision is for Bloom Into Being, LLC, and the Re-stARTistry project to become a united Christian community across all ethnicities, denominations, and economic levels with every woman and child having the ability to discover and pursue his/her God-givenRead MoreMy Mission Statement : The Myers Briggs Type Indicator1450 Words  | 6 PagesPersonal Awareness Paper My mission statement is to be a light and voice for Christ in a dark world. My core values, spiritual gifts, and my life experiences have all played an important role in forming my mission statement and who I am. My core values have given me an opportunity to make relationships with people because of God and my life growing up. Also, my spiritual gifts have given me another way to have a closer relationship with God. Lastly, my life experiences have changed the way I amRead MoreSpiritual Needs Assessment Essay892 Words  | 4 PagesAssignment Spiritual Needs Assessment †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..Use the articles provided in the readings for this module. The Joint Commission provides some guidelines for creating spiritual assessment tools for evaluating the spiritual needs of patients. Using these resources and any other guidelines/examples you can find, make up your own tool for assessing the spiritual needs of patients. 1.The spiritual-needs assessment tool should include a minimum of five questions that can either be answered by the patient
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
How to Overcome Barriers in Communication free essay sample
3. 2+3. 3 Introduction The following report will discuss and resolve the possible barriers in effective communication. It will include different ways in which to overcome the threats that pursue an important discussion, debate or conversation. This report can be useful for people writing reports on effective communication in and around their business or company. Potential Barrier in communication (Cultural Differences) Cultural differences can cause many problems in an effective discussion, for example: If two people are trying to have a discussion and both speak different languages, it would be extremely difficult to communicate, in different cultures hand signs represent gestures that the British take politely. Religious issues can accelerate a normal discussion into a debate. Possible ways of overcoming potential barriers that cultural differences create There are some ways of resolving these, some of which are the following: learn their language, hire an interpreter, carry a translating dictionary, Instead of trying to communicate with hand signs and offend them, research some different signs that mean something polite and respectful, these are all ways that can solve the problems of effective communication in cultural differences. We will write a custom essay sample on How to Overcome Barriers in Communication or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Potential Barrier in communication (Distractions) Distractions are one of the most annoying potential barriers; sometimes they are inescapable or unpreventable. However, some of them can be avoided, for example: mobile phones, people arriving late, changing the subject, talking about a different topic, some of these are preventable though. Possible ways to overcome potential barriers that distractions create Some distractions are unpreventable, but are some are avoidable, for example: turn mobile phones off, arrive on time or come in quietly. Some of the distractions that are inescapable are as follows: road works outside, mobile phone, someone arriving late. Potential Barrier in communication (Incorrect spelling/grammar) Incorrect spelling is a potential barrier in communication because it can be misinterpreted as something else and an important message might not be passed on, this can happen in any written forms of communication, for example: email, snail- mail, memo, etc. Possible ways to overcome potential barriers that incorrect spelling/grammar creates There are a number of ways to overcome incorrect spelling/grammar; firstly the spellchecker is useful for simple spelling and grammar mistakes. Next, proofreading is important as this is more accurate than spellchecker because machines do not know what context is suitable; finally, a second opinion is the best option to overcome this barrier, getting a friend to check the work over ensures better work. Potential Barrier in communication (Terminology) Using the wrong terminology is very poor quality communication; it can lead to misunderstanding of an important issue, terminology that is too simple, example, thingy and stuff, is far too vaguer terminology to understand, if someone is having a technical discussion about something they need to use technical terminology. The wrong terminology can also result in loss of interest. Possible ways to overcome potential barriers that incorrect terminology creates There is no easy way to correct terminology; use same level of technical language, provide audience with information about the topic to make communication easier, example: handouts. Potential Barrier in communication (Loss of interest) Loss of interest is the cause of poor communication, meaning a boring issue is being discussed or incorrect terminology is being used. The subject might not be relevant to people in the audience, talking too quietly, talking in a monotone. Possible ways to overcome potential barriers that loss of interest causes There are numerous ways to overcome loss of interest, for example: talking in different tones relevant to the subject, interact with the audience, use interesting slideshows, video clips, and pictures. Loss of interest is only caused by: a boring subject, the wrong terminology, talking in monotone, these problems can easily be solved. Conclusion There are a lot of potential barriers in communication, all of which can be overcome with a discussion between a group of people, this is what we did, and we came up with different ways in which to overcome possible drawbacks in effective communication. I have expressed the potential barriers in effective communication and their methods of overcoming them. I have listed five different possible drawbacks, which are as follows: Cultural Difference, Distractions, Incorrect spelling/grammar, Terminology, Loss of interest. Some of the methods of overcoming them are easier than others. However, some may take time, for example: learning a new language.
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